Discover our new TEVI Electric Vehicle designed and manufactured for parks and garden maintenance. Our quiet electric and fume-free vehicles operate all through the complex unnoticed.

A 100 % electric watering system (silent) allows very early morning intervention to the field.

The compact design allows easy access through narrow aisle.

Tank capacity up to 500 L, a semi rigid reel hose up to 20 m offers a safe solution for maintenance of gardens and live green walls.

Equippable with low pressure wheels, TEVI Electric Vehicles can be driven on grass and soft soil.


With lockdown easing in many countries around the World, measures are being implemented to get economies moving again.

Ensuring environment is safe, clean and hygienic with TEVI vehicles used in disinfection services should be priority.

TEVI Electric Vehicles, equipped with disinfection tank and systems will help maintain high levels of hygiene to reduce the spread of infection.

Fogging is the quickest way to disinfect larger areas that require rapid re-entry with minimum disruption in a wide range areas including difficult surfaces to reach with conventional cleaning methods.


Our high capacity Electric vehicles do provide “custom made” solutions for user needs worldwide.

Our electric vehicles are perfectly adapted with many options and accessories to support your operation.

Tank Capacity 500 LT
Tank Material PE or Stainless
Pump Capacity (12 LT/MIN)
Speed (km/h) 20
Side Panels Aluminum Dropside
Lighting LED, Headlight, Taillights, Bluelight, Spotlight and Flasher
Turning Radius (cm) 350
Monitor Water/ Foam Monitor
Speed 20 km/h
Range 40 km
Load Capacity 1000 kg
Turning Radius 350 cm
Voltage 48V